a little breather
spring cleaning
In our modern society, spring cleaning and outdoor preparedness still exists, but not quite in the same way. Today when the sun shines and the temperatures begin to climb into the 40's, 50, and even 60's what do so many think of doing? Yes - that modern spring ritual, shopping! Seriously! My own wife has said (and this is almost a verbatim quote): "It's beautiful outside! It makes me want to go shopping!"
And she's not alone. There are many others who think the same way (and I thank God I am not one of 'em!)
But it wasn't quite like this a few generations ago. In fact, why don't we take a peek into the past, at the way the coming of spring was "celebrated" by women and by men in the mid 19th century:
Ahhh…March…the month of springtime… the sun is out, the snow is melting, temperatures are rising, the hyacinths and daffodils are poking through...
As folks living in the 1860's, many of our discussions when we gather together will concern our everyday lives of that time; instead of wanting to go shopping in the beautiful weather as our modern counterparts do, we will, instead, discuss what we need to and have already accomplished for the coming season, for it is spring time, you know, and spring has always been a time for preparing for the rest of the year; a time for a new beginning. A time for leaving the winter darkness and cold to a time for sunny warmth and renewal...
in March, the house is very dirty; spring has always been the time for
a ritual turning out and thorough cleaning of the entire house, from
cellar to attic. Spring cleaning entails more domestic disruption and
manual labor than its autumnal counterpart. It was said that if you had
ever witnessed the hurry, bustle, confusion, and noise of a
house-raising or a ship launching you could have some idea of this
house cleaning business. Therefore, “a husband, however beloved,
becomes a perfect nuisance during this season of female rage.”
ashes and soot from constant fires for cooking and warmth - combined
with the soot from candles and oil lamps - is on nearly every surface,
the mud of fall and winter covering the soles of shoes are now ground
into the floors and rugs, firewood chips and slivers lie throughout,
especially in corners...the kitchen and family parlor (or sitting room)
have been the center of activity for months, and the remnants of
spinning, sewing, whittling, and other wintertime activities are in
desperate need to be cleared away.
Each room in turn is emptied and scrubbed
and freshened with new whitewash and the furniture rubbed and polished. Susan
Leslie recalled her mother awaking before dawn to begin her housecleaning. “The
two parlors, dining room, entry and staircase are all carefully and thoroughly
swept before six o’clock. She then calls up her domestics, if they are not already
Heavy drapery is to be taken down
and be replaced with the summer curtains, fresh blinds replace the filthy ones
that have taken on the winter's grime, and the windows need to be washed.
Removing the ashes from the fireplace and sweeping and scouring the hearth
desperately needs to be done. The rugs must be taken up and given a thorough
cleaning by being brought outside, looped over a clothesline and beaten
mercilessly, raising a cloud of dust as bad as the worst dust storm. Carpets
were un-tacked while every square inch of the floor underneath was swept and
mopped, then afterward fresh straw matting was laid down before the carpet was
reattached “to make it soft, I guess” (from Catherine Havens upon her
remembrances of her sister’s mid-nineteenth century best parlor). To do this,
every piece of furniture in every room had to be moved either outdoors or to a
different room. Although straw for matting was quite popular, a number of folks
felt it wasn’t good for the carpeting due to causing uneven wear.
Wall hangings were removed and the dust
scrubbed from the frames. Walls, too, were wiped thoroughly in each room while
it was emptied.
The furniture that had been
removed needed to get the 'winter' removed as well. The
upholstered pieces were beat much like the rugs, and the wooden articles were
oiled and polished.
The feather beds were aired outside for
at least two days so each side could be moistened by the dew and dried by the
sun before being put away for the summer and replaced with straw mattresses.
The removal of winter stoves and the
cleaning of chimneys commences, and the cleaning of pantries and bins are also
necessary to help keep it as clear of bugs and rodents as
garments and linens need a proper wash. The difficulties of drying clothing
thoroughly in freezing weather has resulted in badly yellowed sheets, shirts,
and undergarments. Linens that had been hung to dry before the fire have holes
from flying sparks and need to be mended. Woolen clothing worn for weeks on
unwashed bodies really smell something aweful. Flannel undergarments have begun to itch instead
of providing comfort.
how is your spring cleaning going?
For farmers, February's last days are like the 21st century's New Year Season. Accounts and diaries are closed and inventories are made. There is talk of spring and the new farm year. All farm calendars and diaries, almanacs and agricultural manuals begin appropriately with March.
"The new year is at our
door," says a diary entry of the period, "spring is with us in March
when we are yet sitting by the fireside..."
American farmer, who drinks cider daily at his table instead of water
or milk, is never-less a sober man. But mead and 'hardened cider
brandy' are always in order, no matter what the after effects, during
the March preparations for the coming seasons of labor.
before we get into the actual outside chores for the coming of spring,
let's look a little at our everyday lives of the mid-19th century men:
still under the age of ten not only know how to expertly use firearms,
but also learn how to handle an axe and keep it ready for use. The
axe, aside from his rifle, is perhaps the most important tool that a
man could have. And just as girls help their mothers with the
housework, boys work next to their fathers in the fields.
appraising the future of a farm, fences are reckoned a prime
necessity. Almanac after almanac starts the month of March with "Look
to your fences." March is the ideal season for storing up firewood and
splitting fence-rails. March winds dry out the winter-cut logs in the
woods, making them easier to haul in.
differences in saving between green and dry wood," says the 1821
farmer's Almanac, "will pay the expense of sledding, besides the extra
trouble of kindling fires."
Split-rail fencing around a farm
is often worth more than the land itself. In 1850, the fencing for a
three hundred acre farm cost nearly ten thousand dollars (at the current
21st century price level).
March is the month for hauling in and cutting up wood, the actual
felling of trees for fence material is often done during the second
running of sap, in August. By way of a wooden mallet, rails are always
split by hammering on them with wedges, never by striking them with an
ax. (The use of wooden hammers is now almost a lost art, but the
workshop of a century and a half ago had a great variety of them).
cut at the proper season, or dried in the proper season, and split at
the proper season, is so easily cleaved with a wooden hammer and
wedge that the work offers profound satisfaction and is peculiarly
fascinating. Abraham Lincoln knew this relaxing pleasure, saying that
some of his "best thinking was done when working hardest at splitting
I see items a farmer may need, just in case his tools from last year cannot be mended |
American season is more definite than sugaring time. The right time
is usually between late February/early March through early April when
the sap is flowing properly. The nights are still cold enough to
freeze sharply and the days warm enough to thaw freely. The
thermometer must not rise above forty degrees by day, nor sink below
24 degrees at night. It is this magic see-sawing between winter and
spring that decides the sugaring season.
collect the sap, holes are bored in the maple tree, followed by the
hammering in of a wooden tube called a spile. Under the spile a wooden
bucket, made by the local cooper, is placed to catch the clear watery
sap. Each day the buckets of sap are emptied into one large barrel,
which is hauled back to the boiling area.
three iron kettles made by the local blacksmith hang over fires. In
the first kettle, the watery tasteless sap is vigorously boiled over a
roaring fire. The water will gradually evaporate, leaving behind a
thicker, sweeter liquid. This is then ladled into the second kettle
where it is gently boiled to thicken more. Constant stirring keeps it
from burning.
This thick, sweet syrup can then be poured into crocks to be used on porridge or cakes. Or, it can be ladled into the third kettle. If this is done, the liquid will then, over a smaller fire, be carefully stirred until it turns into sugar. The sugar will be packed into wooden boxes and tubs to be used in the coming year.
Maple Sugaring at Old Sturbridge Village - photo courtesy of Vicki Stevens |
Maple Sugaring at Old Sturbridge Village - photo courtesy of Vicki Stevens |
This thick, sweet syrup can then be poured into crocks to be used on porridge or cakes. Or, it can be ladled into the third kettle. If this is done, the liquid will then, over a smaller fire, be carefully stirred until it turns into sugar. The sugar will be packed into wooden boxes and tubs to be used in the coming year.
is hard work, but we try to make such a cheerful season of it that the
whole family looks forward to sugaring, making it more play than
And, of course, one of the best parts of maple syrup making is testing the outcome!
(Iffin you don't mind, I'm going to step on a soap box for a moment here.
I have in front of me a bottle of Log Cabin Original Syrup. Here are the ingredients: corn syrup, liquid sugar (natural sugar, water), salt, natural and artificial flavors (lactic acid), cellulose gum, preservatives (sorbic acid, sodium benzoate), sodium hexametaphosphate, caramel color, phosphoric acid.
Now here is what's in the bottle of Spring Tree Maple Syrup that is also in front of me: 100% pure maple syrup.
What would you rather put into your body?
Methinks that the Log Cabin syrup is somehow not quite as original as they say...
Okay, I'm off my soap box now).
the time springtime arrived, people were nearing the end of their
winter storage of the food from last fall's harvest and were looking
forward to the season of growing. Sarah Bryant often noted in her diary
when the hens began to lay, and wrote the dates of the first blossoming
of plums, peaches, apples, and cherries in her orchard.Just in case you are interested in maple sugaring |
(Iffin you don't mind, I'm going to step on a soap box for a moment here.
I have in front of me a bottle of Log Cabin Original Syrup. Here are the ingredients: corn syrup, liquid sugar (natural sugar, water), salt, natural and artificial flavors (lactic acid), cellulose gum, preservatives (sorbic acid, sodium benzoate), sodium hexametaphosphate, caramel color, phosphoric acid.
Now here is what's in the bottle of Spring Tree Maple Syrup that is also in front of me: 100% pure maple syrup.
What would you rather put into your body?
Methinks that the Log Cabin syrup is somehow not quite as original as they say...
Okay, I'm off my soap box now).
Her diary records the first sowing of grains and garden vegetables, including when she saw the first peas and cucumbers peaking through.
And, as so many of her time (and even in our modern times), she often worried over the threat of the damage a late frost could do during blooming season.
and April signal the end of the winter season so you would most likely be using
up things in the root cellar. However, some of the winter vegetables have begun
to rot, and the apples are getting soft. Mushy potatoes will be made into
starch, and the winter's accumulation of fat needs to be made into soap before
it turns rancid.
is the time to plan and prepare your kitchen garden.
In the meat category, ham is popular since it is getting warmer and whatever is left in the
smokehouse isn't likely to keep much longer. (I personally suspect that's how
Ham for Easter got to be so popular). Since I planned my breeding, my sow is farrowing and we have piglets to raise. If you are willing to be a bit more
adventuresome there is also lamb and veal. Meaning, if one doesn't
make it, guess what? I'll have suckling pig or lamb to eat for Sunday dinner (newborn animals that didn't make it
were not wasted).
Fresh beef maybe but most likely there wouldn't be any left. Salted beef would be much more likely.
Don't worry...this little lamb made it! |
Fresh beef maybe but most likely there wouldn't be any left. Salted beef would be much more likely.
For vegetables, you would have the
last of the potatoes, winter squash, carrots, onions, dried beans, and perhaps
fresh asparagus if you grew it.
There would also be fresh lettuce
especially if you had cold frames or hot frames to grow them in.
Pickled items of all sorts would be
on the pantry shelves, cucumber pickles, watermelon rind pickles, sauerkraut,
pickled peppers, pickled onions etc…
much left in our cellar - planting season can't come soon enough!
For fruit you would have jellys, jams, and the last of your cellar apples. Raisins would be around, but they would have been imported. I can't find evidence that grapes were grown in Michigan during the War, but if anyone has information to the contrary I'd be delighted to see it.
As a side note…this is what you
plant in your kitchen garden in April or May in Michigan: onions, potatoes, peas, lettuce, leeks, cabbage, and asparagus. If
you plan your breeding, your sow is farrowing and you have piglets to raise. If
one doesn't make it you have sucking pig to eat for Sunday.
By the way, it would be the month of May when you would start to see radishes,
lettuce, asparagus, and new peas.May is also when you would plant tomatoes and peppers and beans and corn and squash and pumpkin and melon and cucumbers and whatever else your little heart desires to put into the ground.
The first big job, however, is hauling manure from the manure pile in the barnyard to the field where we would later plow and plant. The gutters behind the cows are cleaned daily and the mixture of straw and manure becomes an ever-growing pile in the barnyard. No matter how much one may love cows and horses, I can almost guarantee they will simply despise having to shovel manure from behind the animals into a wheelbarrow and then haul it out to the manure pile. But it has to be done. From November through the end of March while the animals spend their nights in the barn, it needs to be done.
And then, once spring planting preparations begins, the farmer again will have to haul the pile, load after wheelbarrow load, out to the planting field. This is a back-breaking ordeal, for carrying a heavy load of manure through the bumpy field is no easy task.
Then comes plowing. This is the most challenging of all tilling tasks. The process of plowing is an unbroken link to the past, one of which is carried on today, though with much greater ease than in the past. The plow, of course, breaks up and turns over the soil to make it smoother for planting. It is one of the oldest of farming tools. Back and forth, walking literally mile after mile. Arms, as used to plowing as they are, will still ache nightly, and they ache even worse come the next morning when the farmer, once again, will find himself behind the two plow horses, digging the cast iron mould-board tool into the ground to turn up the soil that had laid dormant and frozen all the long winter.
Plowing the kitchen garden |
Though I've never plowed before,
I've watched it being done plenty of times and can see just what a job it is. I
would love an opportunity to plow behind a horse - not only to see just how
hard it actually is, but to be able to say I've done it.
Ahhh...maybe one day...
Plowing up ground that has lay dormant, hard and snow-packed for nearly a half year is just about as strenuous labor as anyone could ask for! |
It was after plowing that the farmer would use the harrow to further spread and even out the dirt for planting. The purpose of a harrow is to break up the clumps of soil and to provide a smoother finish to the land, making for better planting and growth. Back across the field he would go, and when he finished in one direction, he would harrow (or drag) the field crosswise to smooth it further.
Henry Ford once commented that children knew more about wars than about harrows, even though harrows did more to build this country than wars. Hence part of his reasoning for his creating the Greenfield Village open-air museum as well as his oft-repeated (out of context) "history is bunk!" statement: "History as it is taught in the schools deals largely with...wars, major political controversies, territorial extensions and the like. When I went to our American history books to learn how our forefathers harrowed the land, I discovered that the historians knew nothing about harrows. Yet our country depended more on harrows than on guns or great speeches. I thought a history which excluded harrows and all the rest of daily life is bunk and I think so yet."
Harrowing, though not quite as physical, is still a labor-intensive chore that must be done before planting. |
"When the oak leaves are the size of a field mouse's ear, then it's time to plant the corn," said one old-time farmer.
Another said that the whippoorwill offered another reminder for corn planting, calling soon after sunset when the days begin to warm (usually in May).
Planting the crop was a critical step with no room for error. Missing a section of a field could cause a huge problem: no seed in the ground, no crop.
For hundreds of years, farmers sowed grain by hand; shouldering a bag of seed, the farmer walked up and down the tilled field, fingering the seeds from side to side. As a 19th century farmer said, "On spring-plowed fields it was heavy traveling for the man who carried grain and sowed by hand. Of course, it was heavy work, even traveling over fall-plowed ground, with the grain hung over the shoulders, and the steady swing of the right arm throwing the grain as the right foot advanced, and dipping the hand into the bag for another cast of grain as the left foot advanced."
By late spring your kitchen garden should be flourishing nicely |
But the sowing process and outcome was frustrating at best. There is an old proverb that I recall hearing in my youth that best describes the planting of seeds:
One for the mouse,
one for the crow,
one to rot,
and one
to grow.
Then in Wisconsin in 1860, brothers George and Daniel Van Brunt patented a design for a combination drill and cultivator that was pulled by a team of horses. This was an immediately success and gained in popularity throughout the early 1860's. By the end of the Civil War the Van Brunt Company was producing 1300 grain drills a year.
Welcome to the merry month of May! |
Now, I must tell you that this is about a quick an overview of a farmer's life as I ever did see, but this is a blog post to give the reader an idea of what life was like in another time, not a book or an encyclopedia.
However, if I piqued your interest a little on these subjects and your are interested in reading a more thorough account of this life, I would like to suggest the following books (from which I combed the information found herein) for your research and reading pleasure, for they go into a much deeper depth:
"The Seasons of America Past" by Eric Sloane
"A Pioneer Sampler - The Daily Life of a Pioneer family in 1840" by Barbara Greenwood
"Our Own Snug Fireside" by Jane C. Nylander
"Expansion of Every Day Life" by Daniel E. Sutherland
"Horse Drawn Days" by Jerry Apps
"Victorian Farm"
and"Expansion of Every Day Life" by Daniel E. Sutherland
"Horse Drawn Days" by Jerry Apps
"Victorian Farm"
Farmer's & Housekeeper's Cyclopedia 1888
These books give wonderful and detailed information about the seasonal nature of living in times past.
And, for the planting information, I must thank my very good friend (and 21st Michigan member) Wendi Schroeder.
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